To ensure the UA Standard for Excellence platform meets and maintains its goals, the Local Union Business Manager, in partnership with his implementation team, including shop stewards and the local membership, shall ensure all members.
Meet their responsibilities to the employer and their fellow workers by arriving on the job ready to work, every day on time (Absenteeism and tardiness will not be tolerated).
Adhere to the contractual starting and quitting times, including lunch and break periods (Personal cell phones will not be used during the workday with the exception of lunch and break periods).
Meet their responsibility as highly skilled craftsworkers by providing the required tools as stipulated under the local Collective Bargaining Agreement while respecting those tools and equipment supplied by the employer.
Use and promote the local union and international training and certification systems to the membership so they may continue on the road of lifelong learning, thus ensuring UA craftworkers are the most highly trained and sought after workers.
Meet their responsibility to be fit for duty, ensuring a zero tolerance policy for substance abuse is strictly met.
Be productive and keep inactive time to a minimum.
Meet their contractual responsibility to eliminate disruptions on the job and safely work towards the on-time completion of the project in an auspicious manner.
Respect the customers’ property (Waste and property destruction, such as graffiti, will not be tolerated).
Respect the UA, the customer, client and contractor by dressing in a manner appropriate for our highly skilled and professional craft (Offensive words and symbols on clothing and buttons are not acceptable).
Respect and obey employer and customer rules and policies.
Follow safe, reasonable and legitimate management directives.
MCAA/MSCA, PFI, MCPWB, PCA, UAC and NFSA and their signatory contractors have the responsibility to manage their jobs effectively, and as such have the following responsibilities under the UA Standard for Excellence.
Replace and return to the referral hall ineffective superintendents, general foremen, foremen, journey workers and apprentices.
Provide worker recognition for a job well done.
Ensure that all necessary tools and equipment are readily available to employees.
Minimize workers’ downtime by ensuring blueprints, specifications, job layout instructions and material are readily available in a timely manner.
Provide proper storage for contractor and employee tools.
Provide the necessary leadership and problem-solving skills to jobsite supervision.
Ensure jobsite leadership takes the necessary ownership of mistakes created by management decisions.
Encourage employees, but if necessary, be fair and consistent with discipline.
Create and maintain a safe work environment by providing site specific training, proper equipment and following occupational health and safety guidelines.
Promote and support continued education and training for employees while encouraging career building skills.
Employ an adequate number of properly trained employees to efficiently perform the work in a safe manner, while limiting the number of employees to the work at hand, thereby providing the customer with a key performance indicator of the value of the UA Standard for Excellence.
Treat all employees in a respectful and dignified manner, acknowledging their contributions to a successful project.
Cooperate and communicate with the job steward.
U.P. Plumbers, Pipefitters & HVAC/R BY-LAWS
December 13, 2018
All business of Local 111 shall be kept private from any persons not members of Local 111. Any member found guilty of divulging or exposing any of the business, Local 111 shall be subject to a fine when found guilty by the UA Manual of Trial Procedures.
Per the UA’s policy, Local 111 requires, that any bylaw amendments be proposed by a minimum number of twenty (20) members in writing with signatures, and the bylaws then must be read at three successive meetings, followed by a vote which must pass by two-thirds majority of members voting.
Any Officer of Local 111 may call a special meeting with the Business Manager’s approval. All members shall be properly notified.
Any Officer not attending three consecutive committee meetings, without notifying the Business Manager/Financial Secretary, President or the Recording Secretary may be subject to charges and removed from office by the Executive Board in accordance with the procedures of Section 127 of the UA Constitution. Any vacancy shall be appointed by the President.
Local 111 shall hold a general monthly meeting on the last Thursday of every month, except the month of December, the monthly meeting shall be the second Thursday, meeting starting at 7:30 PM EST at the principal office location or as designated. Local 111 may hold other informational meeting at other locations within Local 111’s jurisdiction when the need arises. There shall be no membership meeting in the month of November, unless there is a special called meeting.
The conduct of meetings of Local 111 shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order and common sense.
Union Dues & Working Assessments
The Business Manager/Financial Secretary, Business Agents, Organizer, President, Vice-President, and Recording-Secretary shall pay their monthly dues. Members will pay working assessments as set forth in the U.P. union agreement.
Working Rule
No member shall install work coming under the U.A.’s Jurisdiction (for personal gain) or for anyone not signatory to a UA agreement, except on their own property.
Business Manager/ Financial Secretary
The Business Manager/Financial Secretary shall appoint all paid non-elected positions of Local 111. (Organizer, Assistant Financial Secretary, Secretaries, etc).
The Business Manager/Financial Secretary shall have the authority to layoff or terminate any appointed or hired employee of Local 111 for failure to perform their duties as required or if economic or financial conditions warrant.
The Business Manager/ Financial Secretary, Business Agents and Stewards shall have authority to examine paychecks of members of the U.A. working within the jurisdiction of Local 111.
Stewards shall be appointed by the Business Manager/Financial Secretary or Business Agents. If a steward is not appointed, the members on the job may elect one.
The Business Manager/Financial Secretary and Business Agents should inform the stewards of their duties when hired on the job and introduce the steward to the employer.
The Business Manager by virtue of his office shall be a Trustee for the Pension and Health / Welfare Funds.
Per the UA Constitution the Business Manager shall be Chairman of the Negotiating Committee.
The Business Manager shall appoint members to Political Action Committee (PAC) Joint Apprentice Training Committee (JATC) or any other committee according to UA rules.
Steward’s Duties
Check Union Dues Card of members once a month.
Shall have authority to discuss work jurisdictions with other stewards when there are jurisdictional disputes.
New employees shall report to the steward before starting work.
The Steward shall report all accidents or sickness of employees on their job to Local 111.
All elections shall be via secret ballot once every three years.
All elections shall be held on Saturdays at the principal office of Local 111 for the convenience of the members or a mail ballot shall be allowed in accordance with the U.A. Constitution.
Nominations shall be held in October, with the approval from the UA. Elections shall be held in December.
Notification of Nominations and Elections shall be governed by the U.A. Constitution.
Eligibility of members to run for office and to vote shall be governed by the U.A. Constitution.
The President shall appoint three (3) members for elections.
A member should be present at the nomination meeting to accept a nomination for office. If a member cannot be present at the nomination meeting, the member must send written notice prior to the nomination meeting indicating what office they would accept nomination or up to twenty four (24) hours after the meeting.
The offices of Local 111 shall be in compliance with the U.A. Constitution. Elections shall be held for the positions of Business Manager/Financial Secretary-Treasurer, Business Agent, President, Vice-President, Executive Board, Recording Secretary, Finance Committee, Examining Board, Inside Guard, Trustees for all welfare committees.
The Finance Committee shall be three members elected at large.
The Executive Board shall consist of a total of five members one of which is the Vice-President, who is the Chairman of the Executive Board. The remaining four members of the Executive Board shall be elected by receiving the most votes.
The installation of officers shall be at the January meeting of Local 111.
In the event of a vacancy in a non-salaried office, regardless of the remainder of term, the Business Manager will appoint a member in good standing.
In the event of a vacancy in a salaried office, in the last year of the term, the Business Manager will appoint a member in good standing. If the vacancy is Business Manager, and in the last year of term, the President will appoint a member in good standing. If vacancy occurs with more than a year left in the term, it will be filled by secret ballot election for salaried office.
The Business Manager, financial secretary/ treasurer shall authorize payment of routine expenses for Local 111.
Any member who handles Local 111’s moneys shall be bonded. Bond shall be paid by Local 111.
Each year a Certified Public Accountant shall be employed to file all necessary L.M. Reports, State and Federal Tax Forms as required by law. Local 111’s Finance Committee shall employ a Certified Public Accountant as often as it deems necessary.
The Business Manager/Financial Secretary shall be paid at least General Foreman’s rate of pay and all Business Agents, Organizer, etc. shall be paid at least the Foremen’s rate of the highest wage scale and fringe benefits as negotiated in the U.P. UNION AGREEMENT. The Business Manager and Business Agent will receive 100 miles per week of mileage for incidentals as well as mileage for attending work related events. The recording secretary will be reimbursed the amount of monthly dues for taking minutes at the local’s monthly meeting.
The salaries of the office employees of Local 111 shall be set by the Business Manager/Financial Secretary.
Any expenses incurred by an Officer, Business Manager/Financial Secretary, Business Agents, Organizer or members while performing the duties and transacting the business of Local 111 shall be reimbursed on the basis of actual expenses with proof of receipts or expense vouchers. The mileage rate shall be the Federal Rate for mileage. All current IRS guidelines will be followed. The Finance Committee shall review expenses.
In the case of the death of a member of Local 111, Local is authorized to appropriate up to $50.00. In the case of a death of an immediate family member of a member of Local 111, the Local is authorized to appropriate up to $35.00.
The Finance Committee shall meet once a month, and shall give their report at each Membership Meeting.
The Business Manager and Business Agent’s signatures are required on all Local 111 union checks.
Non-Salaried Officers and Members authorized to attend meetings, training programs, conventions or other functions that benefit the Local Union may receive “Lost Time” established by the current collective bargaining agreement. “Lost Time” entitlement must be approved in advance by the Business Manager. Requests for “Lost Time” payments must be supported by a voucher setting forth the date and hours for which the request is made, must name the meeting or other activity, and must describe the purpose of the activity. Approved and properly documented “Lost Time” will be reimbursed at the journeyman hourly wage rate established by the current collective bargaining agreement, or at another suitable rate approved by the Business Manager. “Lost Time” for purposes of the section refers to time during which an individual would have otherwise been working in gainful employment or to regular working hours as established by the current collective bargaining agreement.
The initiation fee for a Journeyman’s Book shall be no more than $500.00.
The initiation fee for a Journeyman’s Book for an organized established contractor shall be no more than $200.00.
The initiation fee for an Apprentice’s Book shall be no more than $100.00.
The initiation fee for a Metal Trades classification shall be no more than $100.00.
All initiation fees may be reduced by the Business Manager/Financial Secretary of Local 111 if said action is for the best interest of Local 111 and the United Association. The initiation fee shall not be less than $50.00.
Initiation of members shall be in accordance with UA Constitution.
The membership of Local 111 shall vote by secret ballot or approved mail ballot on all collective bargaining agreements.
Dues: Active members pay $45.00 per month and retired or disabled members pay $35.00 per month.
Supremacy & Savings Clause
Any conflict of the By-Laws between Local Union and UA, UA rules shall apply. If any By-Laws are declared in-valid or inappropriate by legal authority, all other By-Laws shall remain. The Executive Board will substitute a suitable provision.